McElroy Morse Code Keys.
Along the bottom ( Ted - refering to the picture) is typed: "I've been all my life as a radio telegraph operator and this is the finest piece of work I've ever seen, describing the real old timers of the business. I hope you like it. 73s, (signed) TED MAC"
070b..... The model S-600 Super Stream Speed bug below is one that was manufactured without mounting holes or a label.
An Early 1937 McElroy Straight Key.
Part of page four of the incredible "Ted Mac" flyer.
It States: MAC STRAIGHT KEY $1.50
"The best way of describing the thing is to tell you that Jack Mullen, formerly NCO for the WU in Boston and holder of the Carnegie medal for straight key sending, told me after using it that it was the finest balanced and handling straight key he'd ever used. If anyone can know, Jack ought to know. On a heavy cast base not to be screwed to the table. You place it where you want it".
"A mechanical 1000 cycle oscillator operating on 3 to 4 1/2 volts. Gives a swell pure note. I know that the fellows will want this because the only way to get any decent note for practise is with an oscillator and for a beginner my $4.50 AC/DC tube oscillator is a bit too much money. Use headset with my HUM. Sells for £1.50. So you see the picture of the complete set $2.95. Okay?"
McElroy Stream Key #100 (Amateur Model).